Improved Share Permissions, Gated Content Display & Profile Updates
Alright, it's been over a month since our last release but I hope the wait was well worth it.
You now have some crazy one click on/off permission settings.
First off, the Book page now gives you full view of what is shared and what is not.
Just click on the 'expand all' option and now you can enable/disable share access from this page.
This second feature is my favorite new feature...
Gated content lock toggles for your Book & Chapter share links and embed codes!
Enable the content lock toggle on your shared content or embed codes and the style will update to display content lock. This is going to make it a lot easier for you to do your content marketing and enticing users to give their emails.
Here is a demo link with a landing page using this embeded book with gated content feature -
Also, in this release are improvements to your Profile page, so you all can go build yourself some backlinks. Other than that we fixed some bugs and made some design updates, improved search functionality - 22 tasks in total.
ALAUDDIN AHMED WROTE this on Jun 14 There are 0 COMMENTS.
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