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Meribook v5.5.0 update: New Website, Facebook Retargeting and Rails update!

Gravatar Alauddin Ahmed wrote this on Feb 25 / 0 comments

Meribook v5.5.0 update: New Website, Facebook Retargeting and Rails update!

Release Notes highlights recent product improvements we’ve made so you can easily stay up to date on what’s new.

Pivot! It's been a couple of years since we started working on Meribook app - what started as a note-taking solution has evolved into a LEAD MAGNET distribution machine.

Our goal is to help you deliver your lead magnet with ease.

  • No fuss creating a PDF.
  • It's like a mini-membership site, the subscriber gets access to your 'book' inside their account!
  • Know exactly when your lead magnet content is consumed.
  • Update your lead magnet and deliver fresh relevant info always.
  • Be inside your subscriber's productivity app! So, you are never out of sight, out of mind.

Other features & bug fixes in this release:

◙ Improve Meribook Connect process - Instant Access!

◙ Email notification to Book owner when they get a new subscriber.

◙ Add your Facebook Pixel per Book.

◙ Lot's of UI improvements to make the content more logical.

◙ Bug fixes: Remove spaces in tags, tags not showing all chapters, broken links

◙ Update Ruby on Rails!

ALAUDDIN AHMED WROTE this on Feb 25 There are 0 COMMENTS.

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